Dear License and Certificate Holder,
Ordinarily, an applicant for renewal that has waited more than 30 days after the expiration of his/her license or certificate to submit a renewal application must do so by submitting the application in paper form.
For those who have elected to postpone renewing their license or certificate in accordance with the Governor's previous executive orders temporarily extending the expiration dates of licenses, permits, and certifications, please be advised that the Governor has issued a revised Executive Order terminating the temporary extension of licenses, permits, and certifications effective June 30, 2021.
To accommodate the anticipated volume of additional renewal applications by those who have postponed renewing their licenses and certificates, the Board will permit licensees and certificate holders to submit their renewal applications electronically, even if you are submitting your renewal application more than 30 days after it was originally scheduled to expire.
If you have elected to postpone renewing your license or certificate in accordance with the Governor's previous temporary extension, then you are strongly encouraged to submit a renewal application online as soon as possible, and, at a minimum, at least 30 days prior to the June 30, 2021 deadline. If your license or certification has been non-renewed or inactive for greater than one year, please contact the appropriate renewals department via email (see email addresses provided below) for guidance on how to proceed with your renewal.
Nursing License RN/LPN Renewals -
Certification Renewals -
Medication Technician Renewals -
Link to official documents:
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