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COVID 19-Return to Work Policy after Traveling

Policy:  All Staff and employees of Compassionate Healthcare shall implement COVID 19 Return to work policy and procedure.

Purpose: To prevent disease transmission and ensure the safety and wellbeing of the population served.

Procedure for Travel: All Compassionate Nursing personnel/contractors shall:

Domestic Travel:

  • Get tested 3-5 days after travel AND stay home for 7 days after travel. Even if the test is negative, stay home for the full 7 days.
  • Staff or contactor may return to work after day 7 after receiving a negative test result (test must occur on day 5 or later) and must send in a copy of the test result to the Agency’s Director of Nursing for approval.
  • After stopping quarantine, you should continue CDC guidelines for COVID 19 prevention, watch for symptoms until 14 days after returning from travel and immediately self-isolate and contact your local public health authority, healthcare provider and compassionate healthcare if you develop symptoms.

International Travel:

  • Get tested with a viral test 1-3 days before you travel and again 1-3 days before you return.
  • Get tested 3-5 days after travel AND stay home for 7 days after travel. Even if the test is negative, stay home for the full 7 days.
  • Staff or contactor may return to work after day 7 after receiving a negative test result (test must occur on day 5 or later) and must send in a copy of the test result to the Agency’s Director of Nursing for approval.
  • A negative test does not mean that you were not exposed; you can still develop COVID-19. Therefore, after stopping quarantine, you should continue CDC guidelines for COVID 19 prevention, watch for symptoms until 14 days after returning from travel and immediately self-isolate and contact your local public health authority, healthcare provider and compassionate healthcare if you develop symptoms.

General Procedure:

  • If your test is positive for COVID-19, immediately isolate yourself. DO NOT GO TO WORK. Follow up with local public health authority, healthcare provider and compassionate healthcare.
  • Regardless of where you traveled or what you did during your trip, Staff and contractors must take these actions to protect others from getting COVID-19 for 14 days after travel by doing the following:
  1. Stay at least 6 feet/2 meters (about 2 arm lengths) from anyone who did not travel with you. It is important to do this everywhere — both indoors and outdoors.
  2. Wear a mask to keep your nose and mouth covered when you are in shared spaces outside of your home.
  3. If there are people in the household who did not travel with you, wear a mask and ask everyone in the household to wear masks in shared spaces inside your home.
  4. Wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
  5. Watch your health: Look for symptoms of COVID-19, and take your temperature if you feel sick.

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